
Adapted from Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Adele Calhoun

Guidelines for fasting from food

  • Don't fast when you are sick, traveling, pregnant or nursing. People with diabetes, gout, liver disease, kidney disease, ulcers, hypoglycemia, cancer, and blood diseases should not fast.

  • Don’t fast if you are simply wanting immediate results regarding some decision. Fasting is not magic.

  • Listen for a “nudge” from God to fast.

  • Stay hydrated. Always drink plenty of water and fluids.

  • If you are new to fasting, begin by fasting one meal. Spend time with God during the time you would normally eat that meal.

  • Work up to longer fasts. Don't attempt prolonged fasts without guidance. Check with your doctor before attempting long periods of fasting.

  • If you decide to fast regularly, give your body time to adjust to new rhythms of eating. You may feel more tired on the days you fast. Adjust your responsibilities appropriately. (expect your tongue to feel coated, and expect to have bad breath)

  • Begin a fast after supper. Fast until supper the next day. Or fast from sunset to sunset the next day.

  • Don't break your fast with a huge meal. Eat small portions of food. The longer the fast, the more you need to break the fast gently.

Practice of Fasting

  • To deepen you understanding of how Jesus denied himself and embraced suffering and death for you, practice some sort of fasting during Lent. When fasting is difficult share your thoughts and feelings with Jesus. What does Jesus say to you? Tell Jesus what it means to you to share and fellowship with him in his sufferings.

  • Fast one meal a week. Spend your mealtime in prayer. When you feel hungry, sit with Jesus in “the wilderness” and “feed on the bread of heaven.” Talk to Jesus about what his self-denial means to you.

  • For a period of one week, fast from media, sports, shopping, reading, social media, or use of the computer/smart devices. Dedicate the time you now have to God. What feelings arose in you? What thoughts interrupt your prayer?

  • During Lent particularly focus on Jesus and his temptation in the wilderness. Enter the story in your imagination. What do you and Jesus talk about? How are you tempted to indulge yourself? How does it help you to talk to Jesus about this?

  • Make two lists: one of needs, the other of wants. Ask God to show you where to fast from some of your wants. Offer God the time you spend hankering after your wants.

  • Abstain from drinking and/or purchasing morning coffee or daily sodas. Give the money to God.

  • When fasting during a trying time, decide on a fast that gives you time to seek God's strength in your journey.